The famous ancestor of the hounds is the dog of St. Hubert, dog that St. Hubert used for hunting in the seventh century. This breed was bred by the Bosnian beys. It was famous and written about in European cynology literature by the end of the 19th century.
It is believed that the name barak comes from the Turkish word barak, which translates to rough-haired or coarse-haired dog.
Barak belongs to the hound group. Common characteristic of all dogs in this group is to chase wild game and to, if necessary, pervent it from getting away, giving the hunter the chance to kill the prey. Dogs that bark while chaseing wild game are called brakirci in Bosnia, from German and Dutch word bracke.
The harsh mountains of Bosnia-Herzegovina are the home of a variety of game, such as hares, foxes, and wild boars. Local hunters, wanting to produce an efficient scent hound, developed this breed in the nineteenth century. Using the available stock of dogs.
It has a coat similar to that of the Griffon Nivernais and has griffon blood; some believe he was also developed from molossian breeds. It's wiry and rough coat offers insulation and protection against hostile weather. The Bosnian rough-haired hound is tough, bold, spirited and persistent. It has typical scent-hound characteristics, and with it's deep voice it also makes an excellent watch dog. It gets on well with children and with other dogs. It thrives on activity, willingly sleeps outdoors and seldom snipes or bites.
The height at the withers should be about 45-56 cm. The body should be almost rectangular, well muscled and with good bone. It has a broad head with flat and triangular skull, not too long ears hanging close to the cheeks without any folds. The coat should be wiry with a thick undercoat and shaggy appearance. The coat is usually pale wheaten with a grayish saddle.
Initially known as the Illyrian Hound, the breed was recognized in 1965 as the Bosnian rough haired hound - barak.
Bosnian Coarse-Haired Hound - Barak
(Bosanski Oštrodlaki Gonič - Barak)
Translation: Mrs. Peggy Davis.
Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Date of the Original Valid Standard: 15.01.1973.
Utilization: Well working scenthound, resistant and persistant, with a sonorous high sounding voice, sometimes deep-voiced.
FCI Classification: Group 6 Scent hounds and related breeds
Section 1.2 Medium sized Hounds.
With working trial.
Brief Historical Summary: This breed was registered with the F.C.I. on the 19th June 1965, under Standard No 155 a and under the name of Illyrian Hound. In the present standard, apart from a few complements and corrections, the name of the breed is changed to "Bosnian Coarse-Haired Hound - Barak".
General Apperance: Robust dog; its coat is long and shaggy; head long and moderately broad, eyebrows pronounced and bushy. The expression serious, severe but playful. The basic colour is reddish-yellow or earthy grey with white markings on the lower parts.
Character/Temperament: Lively temperament, courageous and persistant dog.
Important Proportion: The length of the body must exceed the height at the withers by 10%.
Generally: Seen in profile the occipital protuberance well pronounced, the forehead slightly convex, moderate stop, nasal bridge straight. Muzzle in rectangle shape, covered with a bushy moustache and beard. Seen from above the head is of medium width narrowing towards the nose. The muzzle is a little longer than the skull. The total length of the head is about 20 to 25 cm.
Granial Region
Skull: Superciliary arches very pronounced. Frontal furrow reveals itself to the touch as moderately developed.
Stop: In gentle slope.
Facial Region
Nose: Large, nostrils well developed, black or dark brown.
Muzzle: Strong, long, deep, wider at the base, narrowing towards the nose.
Lips: Tight and somewhat thick.
Teeth: Strong; scissor bite, dentition complete.
Eyes: Large, oval, chestnut brown, intelligent and playful expression.
Leathers: Moderately high set, medium long and broad. Pendulous, quite thick, getting finer and rounded at their tip.
Profile: The insertion with the head shows a pronounced demarcation. The neck is oblique from top to bottom.
Shape: Medium width, increases in depth towards the chest. Muscular.
Skin: Tight fitting, supple and covered with dense hair.
Generally: The topline in gentle slope towards the rump.
Withers: Moderately pronounced.
Back: Broad and muscular.
Lumbar region: Short and muscular.
Rump: Slightly oblique and broad (especially in the female). Hipbones hardly apparent.
Chest: Long, medium width, ribs slightly rounded, in depth reaching at least to the elbows. Brisket fairly broad.
Belly and flanks: Belly slightly tucked up.
Tail: Well set on, thicker at its base, finer towards the tip and reaching the hock or slightly beyond. Carried slightly curved upwards scimitar like. Very hairy.
Generally: Forelegs vertical, straight and parallel, seen in profile and from the front.
Shoulder: Long, oblique and muscular.
Arm: Long and muscular. The elbows are fairly close to the body.
Scapular-humeral angle: Must be of 90o.
Forearm: Vertical, straight, muscular and strong.
Pastern-joint: Hardly apparent.
Pastern: Short, vertical or slightly oblique forming an angle up to 10o with the vertical.
Feet: Cat feet, toes well-knit, pads hard, nails strong and well pigmented.
Generally: Hindlegs vertical and parallel seen in profile and from behind.
Thigh: Of medium length, broad and muscular.
Leg: Strong, long, oblique and muscular.
Hockjoint: Strong and well positioned.
Hock: Perpendicular to the ground, short and strong.
Feet: As the front feet but a little longer.
Movement/Gait: Long and energetic strides.
Skin: Of medium thickness, elastic, tight fitting, well pigmented and covered with a dense coat.
Hair: Long, hard, shaggy, tousled, with a dense undercoat.
Color: Basic colour can be wheaten yellow, reddish yellow, earthy grey or blackish. White markings are often found on the head (star, blaze on head), under the throat, below the neck, on and under the chest, the lower parts of the legs and on the tip of the tail. The colour can be combined in bicolour or tricolour.
Height and Weight
Height at the withers: For males from 46 to 56 cm, the ideal being 52 cm; the females are little smaller. Weight for males is from 16 to 24 kg, the ideal weight is about 20 kg.
Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault is regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Important Faults: Head longer and heavier; insufficient pigmentation of eyes and the visible mucous membranes; pincer bite; ears folded or raised. Dewlap only slightly pronounced. Irregularity of the legs and articular angulations; chest too wide or too narrow; slight saddle back or arched; light bone structure; weak musculature. Harefeet, toes not tight enough; dewclaws. Insufficient proportions of the different parts.
Eliminatory Faults: Head too broad (excessively coarse); eyes very light or even wall eye; depigmentation of the nose and of the visible mucuous membranes; height at the withers insufficient or excessive. Marked disproportion among the different parts of the body and especially between the height at the withers and the length of the body; incorrect legs (cow-hocked or bowed); tail deviated or curled up; sign of degeneration of dentition (teeth missing), of jaws and genitals; hair too long, woolly, wavy or curly. All other colours than those mentioned, but especially chocolate or black.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |
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Vitežanska FCI 2520
Redžo Haskić
Donja Večeriska 63, 72251 Stari Vitez
Bosnia and Herzegovina
030-521-201, 061-405-079
Amel Panjeta
Majdan bb, 72220 Zavidovići
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pičuga Lov
Cvjetan Jović "Pičuga" 
Selo Mačkovac, 75240 Lopare
Bosnia and Herzegovina
0038-765-769-825, 004179/503-47-20
Mujo Ibrahimagić
Albanska 2, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Salih Karamović
Korajskih boraca 48, 75246 Čelić
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Avdo Šibčić
Lašvanska bb, 72251 Stari Vitez
Bosnia and Herzegovina
030-521-521, 061-757-434
Muhamed Plasto
Zgošćanska bb, Kakanj
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nermin Alagić
Zgošćanska, Kakanj
Bosnia and Herzegovina
032-555-636, 061-412-512
Mirsad Bešo
Krušcica, Vitez
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rasim Ljubijankić
Stijena, Cazin
Bosnia and Herzegovina
061-244-375 |
Mehmed Mahmutagić
Stijena, Cazin
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dragan Grebenar
Mali Mošunj, 72250 Vitez
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sanel Kulovac
Stupsko Brdo, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gemyland FCI 03/05
Almir Šabanović 
Vilenička 35, 72290 Novi Travnik
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faruk Mehanović
Patriotske Lige bb,
75246 Čelić
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bogdan Bašić - Boban
II Proleterske Brigade 26, Drvar
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Željko Gatarić 
Vuka Karadžića 13, Mrkonjić Grad
Bosnia and Herzegovina
050-213-664, 066-421-001
Barak od Matka FCI 2/9
Edvard Simonovski 
Vasil Gjorgov 22/3-9, Skopje
Derviš Branković
Za beglukom do 39, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sa Padina Smilovice FCI 4598
Vladimir Videnović 
Albanske spomenice 8, 19000 Zaječar

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